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Photo: Lylee sez “I want to feel my happy self again soon”

Our sweet girlie is not liking all this painful recovery stuff. She has pretty much just been sleeping and alternating a few times a day between her beds in the bedroom, under the dining room table and under the desk in the office.

She has been eating her meals, and going to the toilet regularly (1 & 2). Which is great. Her vitals are good. Her respiration is still increased. I now know this is a combination of pain and the pain meds. I gave her a small amount (6mg orally) of acepromazine last night to relax as her anxiety level was a bit high. This really helped her and she got a really good nights sleep and seemed much happier in the morning.

Then thru the day I think the pain and the adjusting of her body from one side to the other in her beds started really wearing on her. You can see her not want to lie down all the way on her hurtie side.  Pain kinda just pulls you down eventually. She is still on carprofen and tramadol and I can increase the tramadol but it’s a balance as this can increase the panting.

We postponed the visit to UC Davis this week to next week. Still researching all the different ways to approach her health adventure to rid her body of all cancer cells and to excellent health ! If it can be done we will do it! Cancer is a sneaky enemy but we will do our best.

Lylee says “Thank you for all the love and healing prayers and thoughts, they feel really good. Lick, lick, a little wag and woofs to come when I’m feeling better” xoxoxo


4 Responses to “Day 7 Post Op ~ Our Girlie Is Feeling :(”

  1. riosmom says:

    Sorry to hear Lylee is still feeling punky, but it will get better. The pain meds are good because they help to take away the hurts, but they make puppies feel funky. Once you can ween her off the pain meds, she’ll feel a lot better (mentally). But for now, the sleep is good… The more sleep, the better. Gayle calls them “medicinal naps.” They are very important.

    For the people — lots of deep breaths, lots of patience, and not too much worrying. Lylee will pick up on the worrying, so it’s best to keep a positive attitude around your girl. Lots of encouragement, lots of “chin ups,” and you’ll get through this!

    Best wishes,

    Rio and Micki

  2. etgayle says:

    yes, yes, medicinal naps are so important – for all of us!! paws crossed for continual improvement day by day. as far as fighting the cancer, we all have done the ‘right’ thing for our tripawd sisters and brothers. when you make a decision out of love, then it’s right! sending our best ET juju to lylee!!

    charon & gayle

  3. chilidawg says:

    hang in there Lylee and pawrents! the first two weeks are the toughest and you are right in the middle of that. get lots of rest both of you and whatever decision you make is the right decision for your girl- no judgments here (this is why i love this community so much).

  4. Jackie says:

    Abby was the same at one week post op. (I talked about it on her blog, As Chili Dawg said, you are right in the middle of the toughest part. Hang in there. It’ll start to get better pretty soon!

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

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