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Monthly Archive for July, 2011

Photo: Ah – life is so hard; these beach walks should happen everyday. So the scare about a possible cancerous lymph node in our Lylee Girl is over. Just a reactive one that is enlarged and left over from the surgery. We will keep an eye on it and hope it resumes it’s normal size […]

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Evil Seaweed Must Be Stopped!!

  Going where no Tripawd has gone before… to seek out evil seaweed and save the world…….   It was a difficult task but perseverance and dedication paid off…… …..mission accomplished! Lylee saved the world!! YAY!! (that is until we come to the beach again 😉

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Photo: Cancer-schmancer boo to you – I’m a ‘Beach Girl’ and I’ll roll in the sand as much as I like 🙂 Beach Day yesterday. Lylee was given free rein or rather leash and girl ‘o girl did she live it up. There was no stopping her. In the water again and again, rolling and […]

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Ups And Downs Of A Newbie Tripawd

Photo: I’m on the bed having a nap and, yes, that is Princess Arabella Monkeycat is in the corner. Well, Actually it’s my Mum that’s the Newbie! I’m fine – what’s the worry. So what that I get a bit out of breath on walks. I’m still me and life if great 🙂 Mum’s like, […]

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Lylee is a ‘Beach Star’!

Photo: I’ves sand on my nose and I’s very ‘appy! My Mum and Dad took me to the beach yesterday – day 23 from my surgery. They said it would be good therapy for me. And you betcha it was! I got my toes wet in the sea and let my fur down in the […]

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Official Chemo Girl

Photo: “But why can’t I come in the house?” It’s done. The first chemo treatment yesterday. And let me tell you, we were such worry warts! The oncologist was really kind, patient and answered all our many questions – again. Then they took her off for the deed. They seemed to be taking a long […]

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Lylee’s New Diet ~ Yum!

Photo: Grammys’ are always good to lean on 🙂 So we have our girlie on a ‘super duper diet’. Extra yummy! So we are trying to follow the high protein/no grain idea. She already ate a high protein/no grain kibble supplemented with a freeze dried food that you mix up with water everyday called Grandma […]

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Photo: Our Lylee with her very sweet oncologist, Dr Holly Burr Lylee Girl says she has had enough Dr visits to last 10 life times. She is such a brave girlie! And super sweet to everyone she interacts with. People always comment what a good girl she is. Yesterday we went in for her abdominal […]

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First Outing Since Surgery!

Photo: Our Girlie happy to be feeling better ~ 11 days post op! So of course for our first trip out it had to be the beach! I let her tell me how much she wanted to do. She was already standing up and ready to exit the car when we parked. I very slowly […]

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Thank You Trupanion!

PHOTO: Beach Girl! We got good news from Lylee’s health insurance company that they approved our claim for her osteosarcoma diagnosis and all the entailing medical treatment. Yay!!! We got health insurance, for all the furkids, last year after she broke her leg and we found out just how the medical bills can very quickly […]

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