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Tripawd Warrior Princess Lylee’s first and last acupuncture treatment – EVER. (She told me to put that in caps)

We had a very nice v.e.t. come to the house, a couple of weeks ago,ย  to give our girl a special energy boost and alignment. Alas, Lylee was not amused and we now know she would rather a bully stick in the garden to help her energy than a strange lady poking her in weird places.

Bully stick therapy after the needle sticks

Lylee is still enjoying her special treats and hanging out in the garden; she has slowed down a lot and sleeps most of the time but we are keeping her comfortable. We have wonderful hospice team to consult with and support us through her continuing journey in dealing with the stoopid mints and cancer.

Hugs and treats to all

Joanne & TWP Lylee


First beach pawty~ August (9th)

Just needed a few days of deep rest (sleep!) after getting hungover from pawtying hard. Well, what can I say, Tripawd Warrior Princess’s just wanna have lots of fun.

Second beach pawty (August 20th)

So, after sleeping for 3 days and worrying her momma & papa to pieces our girlie decided awake and get back to living the life of a normal TWP ( if there is such a thing as normal for TWP’s)

Those stoopid lung mints are grumbling and so we are doing our best to shut them up. Lylee’s cough now seems to be only a few coughs once a day or so.ย  Her energy level has slowed down quite bit but with her lovely chariot she glides her way down the paths and gets convenient stopping off points so she can hop out smell the equivalent of dawgie roses and then hop back in and enjoy the scenery and aromas.

Thankfully, her breathing is pretty good. Maybe her respiration is a little bit increased but not significantly so. Her appetite is fabulous – she has a list of gourmet treats to work through everyday (in addition to her regular yummy meals). And she continues her metronomic protocol and many holistic supplements enrobed in creme cheese.

One really good thing that happened from her ‘hangover’ is we found a wonderful house call vet and a fabulous animal hospice nurse. This is so fantastic as our girlie gets so stressed at the V.E.T. that we don’t want to cause her more stress than we have to. And to have excellent medical care and advice come to our home – well it just doesn’t get much better considering everything that is part of this journey.

Lylee says “keep on beach pawtying ~ and hangovers are just par for the course” ๐Ÿ˜‰


TWP Lylee and momma Joanne


The Beach.

The Waves.

The Roll. (!)

The Seaweed.

The Flying Dutchman.


What a great day for our beautiful and happy girl ~ Our Tripawd Warrior Princess Lylee.


What…. me?

So what does a mother do when her Tripawd Warrior Princess runs offย  down the beach without her? Why, video her of course.


Link if it does not load properly:


What a girl! She is enjoying life so much and goes for her daily walk n’ chariot rides. And today is her 11 month ampuversary!!!ย  Go Lylee Girl! Back to the beach me thinks ๐Ÿ™‚




Retrieving sticks from the water is one of Lylee’s favourite games.

We finally have had some decent rains here in this part of California – we thought it was never going to rain this winter and then it poured down this March. Yay!!

Here’s a video of Lylee in action:

Our fabulous Girl continues to love life!



Lylee And The Seal

Lylee girl enjoying a day at the beach.

The warm and sunny weather continues here in Northern CA; we should be receiving our rainy season rain but alas the sun shines and the temperatures stay perfect. Unless we get significant rainfall we are heading for a drought this summer.

This makes for great beach weather. Lylee, Monkeybutt Happy and I decided to take a few hours and go to our favourite place. So, Lylee and I were kicking back on the sand and were peacefully watching the sunset while MB Happy takes to cruising the beach – there was no one else around so it was safe for him to explore.

Then I notice him stop about 20 meters from us and sniff the air and then he suddenly runs back to us with his little ears back and his tail tucked in. Huh? This little dude is usually zooming around totally carefree. Lylee then gets up and goes over to where MB Happy had stopped. I then decide to check out this place too and as we got closer MB Happy’s reason for a fearful response was clear…. a harbour seal was sunning itself on the beach!

Lylee sez “there is seal looking at me but I thinks it’s friendly but if not I still can runs faster than it”

Lylee was the epitome of cool while MB Happy started to bark and so got leashed and gagged. We kept our distance as we didn’t want to disturb our sea going friend.

MB Happy stays on his Mama’s lap just in case the big, scary seal comes over to try and eat him.

Here the seal decides to go back to the top of the beach for a nap.

Sunset ๐Ÿ™‚


Here is Ms Lylee Girl aka HRH TWP Lylee (Her Royal Highness Tripawd Warrior Princess Lylee) riding in her seriously cool chariot. The trail we walk on is a little over a mile and she gets to walk half and ride half. Whenever she wants a rest she just gets in and when she wants out -well, out she gets. (The pink round thingy just above her is her special TWP bike horn)

It’s been amusing to see how she has come to appreciate her chariot. Early on she wasn’t too sure of it – it feels a bit wobbly as it’s on wheels and, yep – it moves! Well now shes like, let me in, I need a rest. She is quite regal about being in it – observing the world as it goes by ๐Ÿ™‚

The trail we walk was converted from a former railroad to a multi-use trail and is very cool as it goes along vineyards, apple orchards and pasts lovely estates. It’s a well used trail by many; runners, walkers, many furkids and cyclists.

We have had very positive comments from people about her new mode of wheels except one. Yep – there is always those folks.ย  A single older guy walks by and comments on what a strange stroller and then when he has passed us says “ugly”. Huh?! Well, my husband, Ron and I look at each other saying did he really say that?! So hubby calls after him, “She had cancer and only has three legs, she’s fighting osteosarcoma”ย  The guy turns around with an embarrassed smile and we just stare at him. He got it!

If we see him again I’ll introduce him to Lylee – we like to educate people to the max you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

Meeting up with the rest of the gang!

Grammie walks half way down and turns around; because the trail system goes for many miles it intersects roads, so I get dropped off at one end of a trail section and then her Dad & Grammie drive up the other end and walk down to meet us halfway and then we all walk back together. Until we got Lylee’s chariot she couldn’t do the whole trail section and had to do the halfway walk with Grammie – now she gets to do the whole walk!

Her Highness stretches her legs

Heading home – I love the look on Lylee’s face “That’s my Dad pushing me”.

Next post – our next beach walk ๐Ÿ™‚

Hugs & Royal Wags

Joanne & HRH TWP Lylee

Lylee Sez “Why couldn’t I have a pink & purple one”

Success!! Lylee can now travel to where no Tripawd has been (I think) before, or at least she can do the trails the whole distance and in style ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, I did the usual searching on Craigslist and Ebay but nothing suitable was coming up. I found the excellent Solvit trailer/stroller on Amazon at just under $260 – this would have been great but the price tag was stretching it. So after changing the search parameters on Craigslist I lucked out on finding a Yakima bike trailer/jogger, now this model was built for human kiddies but had a weight limit of 100 lbs.

I felt certain I could reinforce the floor adequately and the internal dimensions are actually larger than the Solvit. They were originally asking $155, so, of course, I offered them $125 and we compromised on $130 ~ ๐Ÿ™‚ for me. (apparently the lady selling it had turned down an offer of $135 a few days before and then lost the sale).

The other great thing about this trailer is the front wheel is a large diameter so it can handle more easily the dirt roads we walk on. It has a great design for super stability too. The trailer itself has had light useage with a few wear spots but the jogger attachment was still ‘new in box’.

We have already had a few trips with it and Lylee can complete the whole walk now! The only problem is that all the new terrain we are crossing has all new scents and smells and Lylee’s like “er, excuse me, this set of wheels is fab and all that, but I do really want to check all the latest ‘pee-mail’ we are passing”. So out she hops and it’s amazing just how she must check it all out even with her bod saying, “need rest, need rest”. So were working on the ratio of chariot time and mail-reading time. Really, for us it’s just what ever this Tripawd Warrior Princess wants to make her one very content and happy Princess ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ll get more footage of our jaunts – we are just so happy she is back to her usual longer excursions, that it’s gonna be documented to the max ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hug, wags and wishes for endless sniffing of all the latest “news”

Joanne and TWP Lylee



Lylee enjoying a January sunset

Our girl is doing great! She has started her Metronomic Protocol therapy. No side effects seen by us, but she does have to have her CBC done in the next week or so to check her white cell count, etc. plus the oncologist likes to do chest x rays every three months so they will do those too (fingers and paws crossed). We are still researching this low dose chemo – there have been some human peer reviewed studies that have mixed results.

Her appetite has been so good that two separate people have commented on her “healthy” looks i.e. her expanding waistline. Her diet has been mostly grain free and extra yummy (Honest Kitchen Embark; Orijen dry food; Evo canned plus some fresh raw and then too many human fud treats from Grammie ;)) So we have reduced the quantity in her meals and are working on the “Grammie treats”.

She still has all her supplements that I listed earlier on in her blog here:

We, understandably, had to get really inventive with how to get her to take so many of these pills. Initially she was eating them in her regular meal but then she decided this wasn’t her idea of how her food should be messed with, so we then started the hog dog, cheese, canned food, pastrami route to help them down. Alas she didn’t like that idea either. What to do? Well with almost 15 pills a day we invented…. Slime Balls!

Basically it’s cream cheese mushed together with the pills and then we gently open her mouth and pop them in and say “swallow!” and she does with a gulp. The good part is she is always rewarded with chicken, beef or some really delicious treat. This is her Natural Therapy Protocol. Anything to keep “That Which Shall Not Be Named” in permanent shutdown!

We are looking for a doggie trailer/stroller (I have some xmas $ saved) for her when we go walking everyday. She does tire on the home stretch (like after the last Tripawd Pawty – she needed to rest on the way back) She has such great energy and when she starts flagging I realise hopping is just serious exercise for anyone especially for a 12 year furchild! (I actually think we should all hop when we go on walks together!)
Sending huggs and wags to everyone.
Joanne and TWP Lylee


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