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Pawty Time Again!!!

Group photo attempt with wiggly pups 😉 Aunt Cindi got hidden behind Jack’s hat but she really is there!

We all had a fab time and the weather was purrfect (I love my monkeycat sistars)!

Me with Uncle Jack and Shelby with her Mom, Cindi

Tani and Obie share their Mom, Karen

Travis Ray and fosterkid Austin hanging out with their Mom & Dad (Note the Tripawd Warrior Princess Angel Abby t-shirt!)

Travis Ray is one handsome dude (even with a tennis ball in his mouth)

Foster furkid Austin was their too. What a sweet boy! My Mom wanted to take him home but, well, we wouldn’t want my Dad to leave home……

The famous water bowl kindly brought by Shelby’s Mom & Dad

Aunt Cindi had treats for everyone 🙂

Lapdawg Shelby loves her Dad (she still has her beautiful tail she’s just hiding it)

It was a great day and I really look forward to the next pawty! Woo Hoo!!


Yay!! Our Girl is celebrating her 12th birthday today, well we take this date to be her bithday as it was 11 years ago today that we adopted her from the shelter and they estimated her to about 1 year old. She was full grown and so it’s hard to know their age unless they were puppies or if they had an owner who surrendered them to the shelter comfims their age. Lylee was a stray found on the side of the road ~ and I am very happy they didn’t keep her so she could become my Furever Girl!!

So Lylee’s birthday wish was to still beat her Daddy at tug o’ war! Well here is a video to prove it! Happy Birthday Sweetest Baby Girl! We love you with all our hearts!


So in honour of her six month ampuversary like only a  Tripawd Warrior Princess does ~ she is now graced with pink, yes, PINK jeweled tiara-like necklace (collar is so beneath her).

Long reign Tripawd Warrior Princess Lylee Girl!!! TGP furever!

Her 12 years young “Birthday” (she was a shelter rescue 11 years ago so she could be older) is this month too!

Do I have to model my necklace?!

(And, no, her mother will not let her wear it to the beach!)

Love, huggs & wags

Joanne & Lylee Girl


PS We went to her oncologist last week and she will be staring the Metronomic Protocol next week . All her tests looked great and she is feeling very well in herself 🙂


Joanne & Lylee Girl


and the kelp tasted great ~ thank you.

And, oh yeah, the sunset wasn’t bad either.

Thank you to my Mum, my Dad, Grammie, Jessica @ whole fuds who gives me yummy samples, Tripawds family ~ thank you for always being there for us (‘specially for my Mum ;), my Guernsey family xo, my New York family xo, Aunt Leslie who gives kisses and huggs, Uncle Raphael who luvs me too, Aunt Ann & Oola :), All my Mum’s friends that send me special healing energy & chanting, that squirt MB bro – kinda, and everyone else who loves furkids ‘specially Tripawds xo

Back to beach after getting her energy back from her 5th chemo treatment

Zooming through the waves

A good day for Lylee girl ~


…….with us in California, that is. Lylee and Monkeybutt Squirt enjoyed a little tussle with him…..

then Barney wanted to visit the redwoods…

and before we knew it the silly little dino was climbing up…..

and higher & higher he went……

didn’t he realize just how tall these trees are?! This was crazy! We were imagining our next blog post title as “Killbarney Tour is over – Barney is stuck in a redwood tree and wont come down”….. but we have rescue on the way……

Yay! It takes a Tripawd Warrior Princess to bring that little purple guy down to earth….

….ain’t she cute!

But we did have some clues as to this peculiar behaviour…there was this……

and this….

and this….

and when he wasn’t trying to go up, he was going down……

but all in all I think everything worked out nicely for him…….


Monkeybutt Squirt though stinky tasted good……

and Monkeycat Princess Arabella thought that stinky smelled, well, stinky……..

and Monkeycat Wildman was like, “Yo, dude – take a nap”…

and last but definitely not least, Barney swore allegiance to all Tripawd Warrior Princesses! It’s true! Only a small amount of coercion was used – withholding chocolate might have been part of it……

(No! Not the chocolate!)



Well, it all started off very innocently, we thought a day at the beach would  be lovely for Barney. We were inspired by Angel Bo going to the beach and Lylee loves going for her beach romps too.

So here is Barney at the top of the beach path all ready with his towel and cool shades.

So we started down the path, Barney asked me to take his towel, apparently dinosaurs don’t like to carry stuff when they are on the move – whatever.

When we got to the beach we made sure Barney read the signs posted as the waves can be dangerous and we just wanted a nice day on the sand….. (Lylee’s already having fun on the beach)

Another sign – just to be certain Barney gets the idea of wave action, etc.

Barney wanted do a bit of sunbathing, so we helped him choose a nice spot on the sand and he seemed quite happy….

Then Barney jumped in a hole – dino peek a boo or something…..

Then he wanted to take in the view from the vantage point on top of a rock – plus he was safe from the waves…..

Next he wanted his photo with the Pacific Ocean behind him, but we were like, Barney never turn your back to the waves! You need to move – now!!

And he wouldn’t – the stubborn little dino!! So we sent in Lylee to rescue him and this is what happened…….


Oh no! Barney is about to be engulfed by the Pacific Ocean!!!

Oh my! Just as we thought we would lose Barney to the ocean depths, Lylee dashes into the waves….

grabs Barney securely…

and drops him on the beach nobly gives him the ‘kiss of life’. Way to go Lylee Girl!!!!

Here he is all wrapped up in his towel back on his rock, no worse off for his little encounter with the sea (well except a little damp and sandy). Then we promptly marched him off the beach and speed back home (via Costco).

Who wants Barney next. Soon. Please.

Barney Arrived!!!!!!!

So it all started with this man and his van arriving at the front door. Suddenly my Mum is running out the house with the camera, the man seemed confused, like, “you want to what”? So my Mum says this a really momentous occasion, blah, blah, etc. (Thank you man for humoring my mother)

My nose knowz there is something very interesting in dat box……

I knowz whats in there and please can I have it…..

Monkey-Butt Happy the Squirt comes to my defense and thinks we really should open the box too…..

Monkey-Cat Princess Arabella wants to know if this is a new throne for her; nope, my box – plz remove yurself from it…..

Still waiting, hurry up humans,you are sooo slooow….

Monkey-Cat Wild Man gives his approval – “okay, lets open this puppy, err, I mean kitty…….

I’m not moving ’till wez open it……

Finally!! I smell something very stinky in here……

And then I findz it…..

And then MonkeyButt Happy the S. showz us how MonkeyButts operate….

Then I getz to decide what memento I will be putting in the Barney box for the next Tripawd – hee hee! TGP furever!!

Barney’s adventures to be continued tomorrow (NO MonkeyButts allowed –  H. the S. is locked up. YES!!)

Me checking the temperature before the plunge!

Just a short swim – but I did it and I went in a few times more – yipee!  Back to swimmin’!

(Don’t mind my Mudhers voice – she just a gets a little happy with these events 😉

Here are some pics and a video clip!

Lylee Girl Tripawd Warrior Princess and my new extra special super powered Pink Cape with glitter sparkles! (Thank you Abby! TGP furever!)

My Monkeydog bro Happy the Squirt (and that’s a xxsmall ruffwear harness for size comparison!)

Treat time with Aunt Cindi

Me again. (Tani sez me too)

Tani sez I need a treat too!

Whoa Cemil, you are huge! Welcome to the Pawty!

Very happy Tripawd Abby!

Don’t know what to say about this one but something really strange is going on here

What a cutie! (All Tripawds are)

Having a good time!

Me again 😉 with the good looking Tripawd dude, Travis Ray!

BBL is really a Daddy’s Boy!

Me again 😉 getting loves from Aunt Cindi & Shelby

A video clip of the pawty in action

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Lylee Girl – Our Best Girl Ever! is brought to you by Tripawds.