Well, it all started off very innocently, we thought a day at the beach would be lovely for Barney. We were inspired by Angel Bo going to the beach and Lylee loves going for her beach romps too.
So here is Barney at the top of the beach path all ready with his towel and cool shades.

So we started down the path, Barney asked me to take his towel, apparently dinosaurs don’t like to carry stuff when they are on the move – whatever.

When we got to the beach we made sure Barney read the signs posted as the waves can be dangerous and we just wanted a nice day on the sand….. (Lylee’s already having fun on the beach)

Another sign – just to be certain Barney gets the idea of wave action, etc.

Barney wanted do a bit of sunbathing, so we helped him choose a nice spot on the sand and he seemed quite happy….

Then Barney jumped in a hole – dino peek a boo or something…..

Then he wanted to take in the view from the vantage point on top of a rock – plus he was safe from the waves…..

Next he wanted his photo with the Pacific Ocean behind him, but we were like, Barney never turn your back to the waves! You need to move – now!!
And he wouldn’t – the stubborn little dino!! So we sent in Lylee to rescue him and this is what happened…….

Oh no! Barney is about to be engulfed by the Pacific Ocean!!!

Oh my! Just as we thought we would lose Barney to the ocean depths, Lylee dashes into the waves….

grabs Barney securely…

and drops him on the beach nobly gives him the ‘kiss of life’. Way to go Lylee Girl!!!!

Here he is all wrapped up in his towel back on his rock, no worse off for his little encounter with the sea (well except a little damp and sandy). Then we promptly marched him off the beach and speed back home (via Costco).
Who wants Barney next. Soon. Please.
Tags: killbarney