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Barney Arrived!!!!!!!

So it all started with this man and his van arriving at the front door. Suddenly my Mum is running out the house with the camera, the man seemed confused, like, “you want to what”? So my Mum says this a really momentous occasion, blah, blah, etc. (Thank you man for humoring my mother)

My nose knowz there is something very interesting in dat box……

I knowz whats in there and please can I have it…..

Monkey-Butt Happy the Squirt comes to my defense and thinks we really should open the box too…..

Monkey-Cat Princess Arabella wants to know if this is a new throne for her; nope, my box – plz remove yurself from it…..

Still waiting, hurry up humans,you are sooo slooow….

Monkey-Cat Wild Man gives his approval – “okay, lets open this puppy, err, I mean kitty…….

I’m not moving ’till wez open it……

Finally!! I smell something very stinky in here……

And then I findz it…..

And then MonkeyButt Happy the S. showz us how MonkeyButts operate….

Then I getz to decide what memento I will be putting in the Barney box for the next Tripawd – hee hee! TGP furever!!

Barney’s adventures to be continued tomorrow (NO MonkeyButts allowed –  H. the S. is locked up. YES!!)

6 Responses to “Barney Arrived!!!!!!!”

  1. etgayle says:

    ooh, tooo cute!!! love the anticipation!! can’t wait for the next installment!! (oh, and our sam says don’t fed ex the squirt…looks pretty scared in that picture..geesh..)

    charon & gayle

  2. AbbysMom says:

    LOVE the pic with the Monkeybutt & the FedEx label! YES… FedEx all the Monkeybutts! To where though? Maybe a secluded island…

    Isn’t Barney the stinkiest thing ever??? It’s so pawesome!

    TGP Furever! Kisses,

  3. mackthemaraudermonkeybuttpirate says:

    “FedEx all the Monkeybutts! To where though? Maybe a secluded island…”

    I think NOT! The next time you get a box from the FedEx guy, open it carefully cuz I might just be in that box ready to terrorize you all!


    Mack the Marauder Monkeybutt Pirate

  4. killbarney says:

    WooHoo!!! What fun! 🙂

    My how that box is getting big! Be sure to take a trinket when you add something new and leave a note in the journal.

  5. deuceace says:

    Very cute!!!
    Looks like they had a lot of fun

  6. jerry says:

    Lylee, you are so ladylike! Didn’t you see that drawing of the dog on the FedEx truck? The dog is TEARING UP THE PACKAGE! That’s what you gotta do too! Put your paw down and show Barney who rules the planet!!! Not some silly purple dino but TRIPAWDS!!!!

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