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Monthly Archive for June, 2011

Photo: Lylee sez “I want to feel my happy self again soon” Our sweet girlie is not liking all this painful recovery stuff. She has pretty much just been sleeping and alternating a few times a day between her beds in the bedroom, under the dining room table and under the desk in the office. […]

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Oncologist Visit

Photo: Always ‘Daddy’s Girl’ whether quadpawd or tripawd! Lylee is slowly recovering from her surgery – it was a biggie and so it will take time. She is eating and drinking well (lots of treats too) and peeing and pooing fabulously! She sleeps most of the time. She has seemed a bit understandably depressed. Her […]

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Lylee’s Pathology Report

Photo: Watch ~ I’ll be doing this with 3 legs very soon! This is what I posted on the Tripawd discussion forum: “We just got ‘that’ phone call from the surgeon about the pathology report. Unfortunatley our Lylee does have osteosarcoma and it is a highly aggressive one :(( We are still assimilating the news […]

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Photo: Our Lylee Girl first night  home from surgery She made it!!! Way to go Lylee!! She is the BEST! What a girl! The photo was just taken a few hours ago, back from the hospital. She is resting comfortably and so happy to back home. She  has a fentanyl patch (you can see on […]

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Surgery Day For Lylee

Photo: Lylee and her kitty bro, Wildman. Well, we did it. Lylee went into surgery today to have her right front leg amputated. It has been a huge roller-coaster ride in deciding what to do. Yesterday when the vet clinic called to confirm her surgery we let it go to voicemail as we were still […]

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Enjoying A Beach Hop

Photo: Lylee and her Dad on the beach We had a great short visit to the beach – a special treat for Lylee Girl. The weather was perfect and the wind was not too bad. The locals call Bodega Bay, Blowdega Bay, as the wind can be so strong at times. We tied her leg […]

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When It Rains It Pours…….

e Photo: Lylee says “Yep – road’s flooded, need to go another way around” (ie sometimes you have to take a route that you really don’t want to but you don’t have a choice) This is what I posted today on the Tripawds discussion forum: Bone biopsy results are in. This what they say: Short […]

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My Bone Biopsy

Photo: Me saving the world from evil kelp seaweed Hello fellow doggie pals, My Mum ( She’s British so you can translate to Mom :)) took me back to the torturing place again, (it’s also a healing place, so she told me), well, they give me huggs and kisses but I still don’t like the […]

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Lyla’s own blog!

Photo: Lyla’s right front leg (x-ray taken 6-4-11) So, here we are a little over one year later since our Lovely Lylee Girl fractured her right humerus (no jokes please).You can see from the image all the excellent implants that went into mending her bone, it took two trys (that would be TWO surgeries) plus […]

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