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Photo: Cancer-schmancer boo to you – I’m a ‘Beach Girl’ and I’ll roll in the sand as much as I like 🙂

Beach Day yesterday. Lylee was given free rein or rather leash and girl ‘o girl did she live it up. There was no stopping her. In the water again and again, rolling and rolling and most importantly saving us from evil seaweed.

Regarding the lymph node I’ll copy what I wrote in the Tripawd Discussion Forum for all the friends and family who don’t follow the discussion forums, so this sums up today’s events:

“Okay, so we go to see the oncologist today to possibly have her 2nd Carboplatin treatment. Her white blood cell count has dropped to low normal and they wanted it to be going back up if she was to have the 2nd treatment. So they take her back (with her bed and fresh chicken treats in-baggie) it does seem to be taking a long time.

Finally the oncologist comes in and asked if i had noticed the lump underneath the incision at the low end near her armpit would have been. No I hadn’t – that area has always had extra fatty tissue ‘cos of the location. So she said it was an enlarged lymph node that she hadn’t noticed before. So i’m like did you aspirate it? Yes she did and was sending it off to the lab.

Ugh! This is horrible!!

She did say that all she saw on one slide was normal lymphoids but that there were a number of slides going to the lab. So either it is cancer and the carboplatin isn’t working or her body is just reacting to the chemo and it’s not cancer, or it’s a reaction to the surgery.

Osteosarcoma usually doesn’t travel via the lymph system but through the blood but truly it can really go anywhere it wants to.

Now we wait for the test results. Yuck. Horrible. This is the cancer roller coaster. Can I get off now, please.

Send good thoughts!

Lylee’s Mum


Well, the wonderful community came back with much love and positive thoughts esp. reminding me of the value of chocolate for the anxious mother – lots of it, that is.

So the videos are from yesterday and ‘cos this is Lylee’s blog we gonna post them all – yep, all of them. Lylee’s blog – she can do what she likes. Or her Mum can too 😉 The only wish is we need to learn to edit music in the background rather than have ‘ecstatic mother’ comments thru out.

Here goes – Lylee is our Beach Star Girl!!!

More to come just takes time uploading with sloowby satellite ….


6 Responses to “Enlarged Lymph Node And So, Yep, We’re Going To The Beach ;)”

  1. meghanhowell17 says:

    I just love watching videos of Lylee at the beach. She is so happy and has adjusted so well to being a tripawd.

    It gives me a push to take Bo to the beach again…but Bo is a silly lab and tends to drink too much salt water! We have some beautiful beaches here in Florida, but that picture makes me want to visit wherever that beach is! Wow! Gorgeous!

    We are thinking about you all and hoping for pawsitive results!!

  2. etgayle says:

    love that beach video!!! sending best wishes for good news about that lymph node!!

    charon & gayle

  3. rumblesmom says:

    What a sweetie! And I do believe that going to the beach is the cure for just about anything. Good move, Mom!

  4. chilidawg says:

    Lylee, you do the beach well 🙂

  5. Codie Rae says:

    We havn’t been to the beach in forever! Lylee, you remind me of how much fun it is! Those waves and that seaweed need regulating, thats fur sure!

    All paws crossed here for pawsitive results!

    Codie Rae

  6. Riley says:

    What a great video…..

    Lylee looks so much like Riley did when she was younger – fluffy tail and rear leg “feathers” and all – I will see if I can dig out some old pix and post them.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂 – keeping our fingers crossed everything comes out ok…..

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