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…….with us in California, that is. Lylee and Monkeybutt Squirt enjoyed a little tussle with him…..

then Barney wanted to visit the redwoods…

and before we knew it the silly little dino was climbing up…..

and higher & higher he went……

didn’t he realize just how tall these trees are?! This was crazy! We were imagining our next blog post title as “Killbarney Tour is over – Barney is stuck in a redwood tree and wont come down”….. but we have rescue on the way……

Yay! It takes a Tripawd Warrior Princess to bring that little purple guy down to earth….

….ain’t she cute!

But we did have some clues as to this peculiar behaviour…there was this……

and this….

and this….

and when he wasn’t trying to go up, he was going down……

but all in all I think everything worked out nicely for him…….


Monkeybutt Squirt though stinky tasted good……

and Monkeycat Princess Arabella thought that stinky smelled, well, stinky……..

and Monkeycat Wildman was like, “Yo, dude – take a nap”…

and last but definitely not least, Barney swore allegiance to all Tripawd Warrior Princesses! It’s true! Only a small amount of coercion was used – withholding chocolate might have been part of it……

(No! Not the chocolate!)



7 Responses to “Barney’s Last Day……”

  1. riosmom says:

    Barney in a pink TGP princess cape!!!! I LOVE it!!!!

    I expected to see a little more terror being inflicted on the little purple beast, but I have to say, he looks GOOD in his cape.


  2. AbbysMom says:

    Pawesome pictures. That Barney… He was the same here – he climbed up in the lifeguard chair. I think it is cuz he thinks he’s “above it all”. Mr. High & Mighty Dino. Give me a break!
    Anyway, I’m glad to hear you were able to coerce him into pledging allegiance to the TWPs. He does look really good in the cape. It’s so sparkly!
    Can’t wait to see where he goes to get killed next!

  3. gillian says:

    they made me laugh

  4. chilidawg says:

    Oh that Barney! He was like that here too, that’s why Mom had to take him to see the school police officer. He thinks he can do whatever he wants. He did look good in the pink cape!

    Spirit Chili Dawg

  5. charleysmom says:

    Great pics!!! Lylee is super cute!!! My Charley is a bit jealous that he’s a boy and unable to be a Tripawd Warrior Princess! 🙂

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  6. jack crowder says:

    Great photo’s, wonderful dogs, even the cats got in on it!
    I’m surprised Barney didn’t want to stop at the salt water taffy/kite store on the way home!!
    Well done!!!!!!!!!!
    Shelby, the P.P.

  7. jerry says:

    Wow! I never knew Barney was such an athlete!
    What an adventure he had with you. I LOVED watching him climb the tree. Lylee, you’re pretty brave for going up there to rescue him.
    Thanks for showing him such a good time. I know it’s an adventure none of us will ever forget. xoxo

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