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Photo: Lylee says “Yep – road’s flooded, need to go another way around” (ie sometimes you have to take a route that you really don’t want to but you don’t have a choice)

This is what I posted today on the Tripawds discussion forum:

Bone biopsy results are in. This what they say:

Short version:

“Microscopic Findings: myelofibrosis and fragments of atypical spindle cells, suspect underlying sarcoma.

Prognosis: probably guarded”

(Long version coming)

Well, kinda like, maybe, kinda, sorta. Hello, does she have cancer or not?! Seems like everything is pointing in that direction.

We had a good discussion with the surgeon and pretty much decided removing her leg is the safest and most humane thing to do. (She is continuing to experience bad pain in her leg even with all the pain meds and fentanyl patch).

To absolutely get a confirmed diagnosis the next test would be an open biopsy which is very invasive. And even if it wasn’t cancer something is causing really bad pain in the leg and could we ever heal it?

We talked about going up to UC Davis but as our surgeon said they would probably want more info and suggest an open biopsy as the next step, or just amputation.

We put sooo much time, energy and $ (about 6k) trying to save her leg last year. Now we get to take it off! Okay, it’s fine  – just get our girlie outta pain!!

So Monday the 20th is the date we set for amputation. It’s taking a while to sink in.

Keep the love flowing smiley



9 Responses to “When It Rains It Pours…….”

  1. admin says:

    But sometimes that route leads you on a wonderful journey you never would have otherwise enjoyed… happy travels.

  2. maximutt says:

    Sending pawsitive thoughts your way! Keep us all posted on her progress.

  3. Jackie says:

    I empathize with the frustration of the time, energy and money that went in to trying to save the leg before – but just focus on now you are saving your girl from the pain. She is lucky to have you taking such good care of her. I’m sure you fell lucky to have her too. She looks like a sweet heart.

    Sending out best wishes for a quick, successful surgery!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  4. etgayle says:

    often the journey is more important than the destination. sending our best ‘juju’ to lylee girl….now get out of the puddle before you catch a cold!

    charon & gayle

  5. tatespeeps says:

    It does take awhile to sink in and for me, it un-sinked and I just had to close my eyes and jump. The night before was pretty hard, I had to keep reminding myself that we made this decision when I was in a more stable frame of mind. And now I’m SO happy we did it. So happy. His prognosis without it was weeks. They said it would not be the cancer, it would be that they’d be unable to manage the pain and we’d decide to put him down. So be brave!

  6. jerry says:

    With legs like that, you’ll do just fine! I’m sorry you’re losing one but remember, that was just the spare one so you’ll be OK.

    Where the heck are you standing, Louisiana bayou?

    We’re rootin’ you on Lylee, hang in there.

  7. chilidawg says:

    best of luck to you, lylee girl! you will be just as beautiful as a tripawd 🙂 think of your bad leg as just a spare, now get out of that puddle before you get a cold!

  8. dosleger says:

    We found out our Lorna Doone needed a leg amputation by our surgeon and within 24 hours, we dropped her off at the vet for the 3 day stay and leg amputation. I know what you are feeling. Weirdest,wildest emotions ever. Lorna has been post-op 15 days today. Her personality is coming back. Be prepared for the first 2 weeks. They are tough but it gets better. Thats what people told me, and thats what I am finding out. Good luck and remember, she will be in no more pain – thats the goal thats what you have to focus on. Good luck

  9. lyleegirl says:

    Creek flooded the road this winter! Only high wheels vehicles can get thru. Rain in N Calif can be intense in winter! Lylee is like, why is my mother making me do this!

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