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Oncologist Visit

Photo: Always ‘Daddy’s Girl’ whether quadpawd or tripawd!

Lylee is slowly recovering from her surgery – it was a biggie and so it will take time. She is eating and drinking well (lots of treats too) and peeing and pooing fabulously! She sleeps most of the time. She has seemed a bit understandably depressed. Her respiration has been up and we were not sure if it was from the pain meds or pain itself. If only she could just tell her us! I decided seeing ‘pink elephants’ was preferential to horrible pain so have kept up the meds. The fentanyl patch will be losing it’s potency in the next day and she will be only getting tramadol and carprofen, so that should disappear the elephants.

So I arranged an appointment with the oncologist at the same hospital as the surgeon for today. We left Lylee at home at my request to the doc which she was fine with. Our girl doesn’t need another car ride just yet.

Another great doc! We had a good long chat with her, she explained all of our options plus we asked tons of questions. I had done quite a bit of research so was able to converse somewhat with her about the different chemo protocols. Seems carboplatin is the drug of choice for many vets. So I’m still researching the various other chemo agents and protocols out there.  We are still not sure if we will follow the chemo route yet.

I will be following a comprehensive holistic route anyway. I’ve started to ramp her up with various supplements already and will do a separate post on all the goodies I will be using for her.

Onwards! Love and huggs to everyone!!

And lets keep Lylee in the center of a magical circle of shining love!

3 Responses to “Oncologist Visit”

  1. meghanhowell17 says:

    Great job Lylee!

    Bo is 26 days post-op and once he got off most of the meds he started feeling a bit better. It’s hot down here in FL, so Bo gets to panting a lot too. Recently, we have started giving him ice cubes (which he wouldn’t touch before) and he’ll eat about 8 of them and then chill out. We’re not completely sure if the panting is from the heat/pain/lack of comfort (wish they could tell us), but the ice has really helped.

    Good luck and keep us all posted!

  2. chilidawg says:

    Good job Lylee, and good luck to you! Once Chili Dawg got off his meds the panting went way down. It only comes back if he’s been running a lot in the back yard or if it’s really hot outside- hopefully the same will be true for Lylee. Hang in there girlie!

  3. tatespeeps says:

    Oh, that panting, and trying to figure out if it’s pain or stress! You really do wish they could talk. Hang in there, it will get better.

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